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Neu | Kommödikation | Osswald, Brigitte und Jacobs, Dietmar und Tigges-Limmer, Katharina

Neu | Mitbestimmungsgesetz und Drittelbeteiligungsgesetz | Raiser, Thomas und Veil, Rüdiger und Jacobs, Matthias

Neu | Enteignungsentschädigung | Aust, Manfred und Jacobs, Rainer und Pasternak, Dieter und Friedrich, Wolf-Dieter

Neu | Inschriftenkulturen im kommunalen Italien | Bolle, Katharina und Jaspert, Nikolas und Höh, Marc von der

Neu | PIPAC | Reymond, Marc A. und Solass, Wiebke

Neu | PIPAC | Reymond, Marc A. und Solass, Wiebke

Peritoneal dissemination is a common route of cancer metastasis. The benefit of administering chemotherapy directly into the peritoneal cavity is supported by preclinical and pharmacokinetic data. In comparison to intravenous (IV) treatment, intraperitoneal (IP) administration results in a several-fold increase in drug concentration within the abdominal cavity. There is now growing evidence from clinical studies showing a survival advantage for IP chemotherapy in various tumor typies, including ovarian, gastric and colorectal cancer. However, while the use of IP chemotherapy is slowly gaining acceptance, it is not universal, largely due to the greater toxicity associated with this approach. Moreover, efficacy of IP chemotherapy is limited by poor distribution within the abdominal cavity and by poor tissue penetration. A new way of IP chemotherapy is the application of cytotoxics in form of a pressurized aerosol into the abdominal of thoracic cavity. Pressurized intraperitoneal aerosol chemotherapy (PIPAC) is applied through laparoscopic access using two balloon trocars in an operating room equipped with laminar air-flow. In a first step,a normothermic capnoperitoneum is established with a pressure of 12 mmHg. A cytotoxic solution (about 10% of a normal systemic dose) is nebulized with a micropump into the abdominal cavity, and maintained for 30 min. The aerosol is then removed through a closed suction system. Applying an aerosol in the peritoneal cavity allows a homogeneous distribution of the chemotherapeutic agent within the abdomen. Furthermore, an artificial pressure gradient is generated that overcomes tumoral interstitial fluid pressure, an obstacle in cancer therapy. This results in a higher local drug concentration compared to conventional IP or IV chemotherapy. At the same time the plasma concentration of the chemotherapeutic agent remains low. In first clinical studies with limited number of patients in ovarian, gastric and colorectal cancer, as well as peritoneal mesothelioma, PIPAC has obtained encouraging tumor response rates and survival, with a low-side effects profile. Larger clinical trials are currently ongoing to examine if these data can be reproduced and extrapolated to other situations. von Reymond, Marc A. und Solass, Wiebke

EUR 152.95

Neu | Les ambigu t s de la vie selon Paul Tillich | Dumas, Marc und Richard, Jean und Wagoner, Brya

Neu | DEFA at the Crossroads of East German and International Film Culture | Silberman, Marc und Wrage, Henning

EUR 19.95

Neu | Löwe/Rosenberg. Die Strafprozeßordnung und das Gerichtsverfassungsgesetz Band 9. §§ 373b-406l | Wenske, Marc

Neu | Catalysis for Fine Chemicals | Bonrath, Werner und Medlock, Jonathan und Müller, Marc-André und Schütz, Ja

Neu | "Sie ist nicht im Himmel" (Dtn 30,12) | Gesundheit, Shimon

Neu | Handbook of Nanoethics | Jeswani, Gunjan und Voorde, Marcel

Neu | Business Networks | Staber, Udo H. und Schaefer, Norbert V. und Sharma, Bas

Gebraucht | Recent Advances in the Syntax and Semantics of Tense, Aspect and Modality | -

Gebraucht | Recent Advances in the Syntax and Semantics of Tense, Aspect and Modality | -

It is a fact that tense, aspect and modality together form one of the most recurring and active areas of research in contemporary syntax and semantics, as well as in other disciplines of linguistics. A large number of syntactic and semantic phenomena are concerned by the temporal-aspectual-modal level of representation: information about time, aspect and modality is part of virtually all sentences; inflexion is quite widely considered as the core of syntactic projections. Because of this very crucial situation and role in the sentence structure, temporal-aspectual and modal information concerns virtually any part of the sentence and this information has scope over the whole characterization of the eventuality denoted by the sentence. This book is an up-to-date milestone for the studies of temporality and language, in particular regarding syntax and semantics, but with incidental hints to pragmatics and theories of human natural language understanding. Through this very tight selection of 15 papers (originally delivered during the 6th Chronos colloquium), tenses, aspect and modality are investigated both at the descriptive and theoretical levels, involving many different Indo-European and non-Indo-European languages. The volume sheds light on a wide array of phenomena that remained too little explored until now. These include the following: modal subordination in Japanese, epistemic modals in Dutch and English in Free Indirect Speech contexts, aspectual readings of idioms, adverb-licensing with the German perfect, French imperfective past compared with English progressive past, infinitival perfect in English, Adult Root Infinitives, economy constraints on temporal subordinations, future modality, past interpretation of present tense in embedded clauses, and time without tenses in Mandarin and Navajo. The book is of interest to scholars and advanced students in the fields of linguistics (general linguistics, semantics, syntax) as well as philosophy and logic. von Saussure, Louis de und Moeschler, Jacques und Puskás, Genoveva

EUR 2.44

Neu | Blending and the Study of Narrative | Schneider, Ralf und Hartner, Marcus

Neu | Harnessing the UEFI Shell | Rothman, Michael und Zimmer, Vincent und Lewis, Tim

Neu | Harnessing the UEFI Shell | Rothman, Michael und Zimmer, Vincent und Lewis, Tim

Focusing on the use of the UEFI Shell and its recently released formal specification, this book unlocks a wide range of usage models which can help people best utilize the shell solutions. This text also expands on the obvious intended utilization of the shell and explains how it can be used in various areas such as security, networking, configuration, and other anticipated uses such as manufacturing, diagnostics, etc. Among other topics, Harnessing the UEFI Shell demonstrates how to write Shell scripts, how to write a Shell application, how to use provisioning options and more. Since the Shell is also a UEFI component, the book will make clear how the two things interoperate and how both Shell developers as well as UEFI developers can dip into the other's field to further expand the power of their solutions. Harnessing the UEFI Shell is authored by the three chairs of the UEFI working sub-teams, Michael Rothman (Intel, chair of the UEFI Configuration and UEFI Shell sub-teams), Vincent Zimmer (Intel, chair of the UEFI networking sub-team and security sub-team), and Tim Lewis (Insyde Software, chair of the UEFI security sub-team). This book is perfect for any OEMs that ship UEFI-based solutions (which is all of the MNCs such as IBM, Dell, HP, Apple, etc.), software developers who are focused on delivering solutions targeted to manufacturing, diagnostics, hobbyists, or stand-alone kiosk environments. von Rothman, Michael und Zimmer, Vincent und Lewis, Tim

EUR 73.50

Neu | Stochastic Finance | Föllmer, Hans und Schied, Alexander

Neu | Stochastic Finance | Föllmer, Hans und Schied, Alexander

This book is an introduction to financial mathematics. It is intended for graduate students in mathematics and for researchers working in academia and industry. The focus on stochastic models in discrete time has two immediate benefits. First, the probabilistic machinery is simpler, and one can discuss right away some of the key problems in the theory of pricing and hedging of financial derivatives. Second, the paradigm of a complete financial market, where all derivatives admit a perfect hedge, becomes the exception rather than the rule. Thus, the need to confront the intrinsic risks arising from market incomleteness appears at a very early stage. The first part of the book contains a study of a simple one-period model, which also serves as a building block for later developments. Topics include the characterization of arbitrage-free markets, preferences on asset profiles, an introduction to equilibrium analysis, and monetary measures of financial risk. In the second part, the idea of dynamic hedging of contingent claims is developed in a multiperiod framework. Topics include martingale measures, pricing formulas for derivatives, American options, superhedging, and hedging strategies with minimal shortfall risk. This fourth, newly revised edition contains more than one hundred exercises. It also includes material on risk measures and the related issue of model uncertainty, in particular a chapter on dynamic risk measures and sections on robust utility maximization and on efficient hedging with convex risk measures. Contents: Part I: Mathematical finance in one period Arbitrage theory Preferences Optimality and equilibrium Monetary measures of risk Part II: Dynamic hedging Dynamic arbitrage theory American contingent claims Superhedging Efficient hedging Hedging under constraints Minimizing the hedging error Dynamic risk measures von Föllmer, Hans und Schied, Alexander

EUR 64.95

Neu | Topological Algebras and their Applications | Katz, Alexander

Neu | Topological Algebras and their Applications | Katz, Alexander

Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of Topological Algebras and Their Applications (ICTAA-2014), held on May 26-30, 2014 in Playa de Villas de Mar Beach, dedicated to the memory of Anastasios Mallios (Athens, Greece). This series of conferences started in 1999 in Tartu, Estonia and were subsequently held in Rabat, Moroco (2000), Oulu, Finland (2001), Oaxaca, Mexico (2002), Bedlewo, Poland (2003), Athens, Greece (2005) and Tartu, Estonia (2008 and 2013). The topics of the conference include all areas of mathematics, connected with (preferably general) topological algebras and their applications, including all kinds of topological-algebraic structures as topological linear spaces, topological rings, topological modules, topological groups and semigroups; bornological-algebraic structures such as bornological linear spaces, bornological algebras, bornological groups, bornological rings and modules; algebraic and topological K-theory; topological module bundles, sheaves and others. Contents Some results on spectral properties of unital algebras and on the algebra of linear operators on a unital algebra Descriptions of all closed maximal one-sided ideals in topological algebras On non self-adjoint operators defined by Riesz bases in Hilbert and rigged Hilbert spaces Functional calculus on algebras of operators generated by a self-adjoint operator in Pontryagin space ¿1 On Gelfand-Naimark type Theorems for unital abelian complex and real locally C*-, and locally JB-algebras Multipliers and strictly real topological algebras Multipliers in some perfect locally m-pseudo-convex algebras Wedderburn structure theorems for two-sided locally m-convex H*-algebras Homologically best modules in classical and quantized functional analysis Operator Grüss inequality Main embedding theorems for symmetric spaces of measurable functions Mapping class groups are linear Subnormable A-convex algebras Commutative BP*-algebras and Gelfand-Naimark¿s theorem Discrete nonclosed subsets in maximally nondiscrete topological groups Faithfully representable topological *-algebras: some spectral properties On continuity of complementors in topological algebras Dominated ergodic theorem for isometries of non-commutative Lp-spaces, 1 p ¿, p ¿ 2 Ranks and the approximate n-th root property of C*-algebras Dense ideals in topological algebras: some results and open problems von Katz, Alexander

EUR 149.95

Neu | Large Scale Inverse Problems | Cullen, Mike und Freitag, Melina A und Kindermann, Stefan und Scheichl, Robert

Neu | Large Scale Inverse Problems | Cullen, Mike und Freitag, Melina A und Kindermann, Stefan und Scheichl, Robert

This book is thesecond volume of a three volume series recording the "Radon Special Semester 2011 on Multiscale Simulation & Analysis in Energy and the Environment" that took placein Linz, Austria, October 3-7, 2011. This volume addresses the common ground in the mathematical and computational procedures required for large-scale inverse problems and data assimilation in forefront applications. The solution of inverse problems is fundamental to a wide variety of applications such as weather forecasting, medical tomography, and oil exploration. Regularisation techniques are needed to ensure solutions of sufficient quality to be useful, and soundly theoretically based. This book addresses the common techniques required for all the applications, and is thus truly interdisciplinary. Thiscollection of surveyarticlesfocusses onthe large inverse problems commonly arising in simulation and forecasting in the earth sciences. For example, operational weather forecasting models have between 107 and 108 degrees of freedom. Even so, these degrees of freedom represent grossly space-time averaged properties of the atmosphere. Accurate forecasts require accurate initial conditions. With recent developments in satellite data, there are between 106 and 107 observations each day. However, while these also represent space-time averaged properties, the averaging implicit in the measurements is quite different from that used in the models. In atmosphere and ocean applications, there is a physically-based model available which can be used to regularise the problem. We assume that there is a set of observations with known error characteristics available over a period of time. The basic deterministic technique is to fit a model trajectory to the observations over a period of time to within the observation error. Since the model is not perfect the model trajectory has to be corrected, which defines the data assimilation problem. The stochastic view can be expressed by using an ensemble of model trajectories, and calculating corrections to both the mean value and the spread which allow the observations to be fitted by each ensemble member. In other areas of earth science, only the structure of the model formulation itself is known and the aim is to use the past observation history to determine the unknown model parameters. The book records the achievements of Workshop2 "Large-Scale Inverse Problems and Applications in the Earth Sciences". Itinvolves experts in the theory of inverse problems together with experts working on both theoretical and practical aspects of the techniques by which large inverse problems arise in the earth sciences. von Cullen, Mike und Freitag, Melina A und Kindermann, Stefan und Scheichl, Robert

EUR 97.95