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Vosk na boty MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe 25 ml 100 Neutral

Vosk na boty MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe 25 ml 100 Neutral

BEZ SILIKONU, PARAFINU A ROPNÝCH VÝROBKŮ MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe je profesionální luxusní vosková pasta pro hladké kožené boty. Vyrobeno podle starých francouzských receptur z roku 1865 za použití technologií vyvinutých společností MAVI STEP. Obsahuje přírodní včelí a karnaubský vosk, rostlinné a živočišné oleje a tuky, terpentýn. Vlastnosti a výhody vosku na boty MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe čistí přírodní kůži od nečistot; proniká hluboko do pokožky, vyživuje materiál užitečnými složkami a prodlužuje jeho "životnost"; obnovuje barvu koženého zboží - po použití výrobek vypadá jako v době nákupu a často ještě lépe; vytváří jasný a stabilní zrcadlový lesk na povrchu bot - s voskem MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe vytvoříte ohromující lesk bez ztráty času a úsilí; chrání boty před povětrnostními vlivy. Aplikační materiál: hladká kůže. Podmínky skladování: Vosk na boty MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe skladujte mimo dosah dětí a zvířat při teplotách mezi 5 a 40 °C. Skladovatelnost: 10 let (za předpokladu, že je víko dobře uzavřeno). Jak používat vosk na boty MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe Výrobek očistěte od prachu a zaschlých nečistot kartáčkem. Pokud již byly na boty naneseny krémy nebo vosky, odstraňte je jemným krémem na boty MAVI STEP Creme Universelle. Po vyčištění pravé kůže ji doporučujeme impregnovat a navlhčit krémem na boty MAVI STEP Creme de Beaute. Naberte malé množství vosku stěrem a naneste ho na povrch boty. Vyleštěte své kožené boty hadříkem MAVI STEP pomalými krouživými pohyby.

GBP 11.99

Vosk na boty MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe 25 ml 309 Středně šedý

Vosk na boty MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe 25 ml 309 Středně šedý

BEZ SILIKONU, PARAFINU A ROPNÝCH VÝROBKŮ MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe je profesionální luxusní vosková pasta pro hladké kožené boty. Vyrobeno podle starých francouzských receptur z roku 1865 za použití technologií vyvinutých společností MAVI STEP. Obsahuje přírodní včelí a karnaubský vosk, rostlinné a živočišné oleje a tuky, terpentýn. Vlastnosti a výhody vosku na boty MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe čistí přírodní kůži od nečistot; proniká hluboko do pokožky, vyživuje materiál užitečnými složkami a prodlužuje jeho "životnost"; obnovuje barvu koženého zboží - po použití výrobek vypadá jako v době nákupu a často ještě lépe; vytváří jasný a stabilní zrcadlový lesk na povrchu bot - s voskem MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe vytvoříte ohromující lesk bez ztráty času a úsilí; chrání boty před povětrnostními vlivy. Aplikační materiál: hladká kůže. Podmínky skladování: Vosk na boty MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe skladujte mimo dosah dětí a zvířat při teplotách mezi 5 a 40 °C. Skladovatelnost: 10 let (za předpokladu, že je víko dobře uzavřeno). Jak používat vosk na boty MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe Výrobek očistěte od prachu a zaschlých nečistot kartáčkem. Pokud již byly na boty naneseny krémy nebo vosky, odstraňte je jemným krémem na boty MAVI STEP Creme Universelle. Po vyčištění pravé kůže ji doporučujeme impregnovat a navlhčit krémem na boty MAVI STEP Creme de Beaute. Naberte malé množství vosku stěrem a naneste ho na povrch boty. Vyleštěte své kožené boty hadříkem MAVI STEP pomalými krouživými pohyby.

GBP 11.99

MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe Leather Shoe Polish 50 мл 100 Neutral

MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe Leather Shoe Polish 50 мл 100 Neutral

The MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe Leather Shoe Polish is individually handcrafted and tailored to meet your specific needs. We take great care in selecting the right option for your item, considering its material, color, and unique requirements. Our meticulous attention to detail ensures that you receive a high-quality product that provides exceptional results. We pride ourselves on being the only company in the world to offer this level of customization. Free of silicone, paraffin, and petroleum products MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe is a luxury professional shoe polish for smooth leather. Made according to old French recipes from 1865, using technologies developed by MAVI STEP. It contains natural beeswax and carnauba wax, vegetable and animal oils and fats, and turpentine. The Features and Benefits of MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe Shoe Polish It cleans genuine leather from impurities. It penetrates deep into the leather, nourishes the material with nutrients, and prolongs its "life". It restores the colour of leather goods. After applying the product, they look like they did at the time of purchase, and often even better. It creates a high and durable mirror gloss on the surface of the shoe. With MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe Shoe Polish, without wasting time and effort, you will create an amazing glacage. It protects footwear from climatic influences. Application material: smooth leather. Storage conditions. Store MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe Shoe Polish out of the reach of children and animals at a temperature of 5 to 40 °C. Shelf life: 10 years (when the lid is tightly closed). How to Use MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe Shoe Polish With a brush, clean the item of dust and dried dirt. If creams or polishes have already been applied to shoes, remove them with MAVI STEP Creme Universelle Leather Balm. After cleaning genuine leather, we recommend impregnating and moisturising it with MAVI STEP Creme de Beaute Shoe Cream. Take a small amount of shoe polish with a spreading brush and apply it to the surface of the shoe. Polish the leather shoes with the MAVI STEP Chamoisine Shoe Cloth in slow circular motions.

GBP 14.99

MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe Leather Shoe Polish 25 мл 118 Black

MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe Leather Shoe Polish 25 мл 118 Black

The MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe Leather Shoe Polish is individually handcrafted and tailored to meet your specific needs. We take great care in selecting the right option for your item, considering its material, color, and unique requirements. Our meticulous attention to detail ensures that you receive a high-quality product that provides exceptional results. We pride ourselves on being the only company in the world to offer this level of customization. Free of silicone, paraffin, and petroleum products MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe is a luxury professional shoe polish for smooth leather. Made according to old French recipes from 1865, using technologies developed by MAVI STEP. It contains natural beeswax and carnauba wax, vegetable and animal oils and fats, and turpentine. The Features and Benefits of MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe Shoe Polish It cleans genuine leather from impurities. It penetrates deep into the leather, nourishes the material with nutrients, and prolongs its "life". It restores the colour of leather goods. After applying the product, they look like they did at the time of purchase, and often even better. It creates a high and durable mirror gloss on the surface of the shoe. With MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe Shoe Polish, without wasting time and effort, you will create an amazing glacage. It protects footwear from climatic influences. Application material: smooth leather. Storage conditions. Store MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe Shoe Polish out of the reach of children and animals at a temperature of 5 to 40 °C. Shelf life: 10 years (when the lid is tightly closed). How to Use MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe Shoe Polish With a brush, clean the item of dust and dried dirt. If creams or polishes have already been applied to shoes, remove them with MAVI STEP Creme Universelle Leather Balm. After cleaning genuine leather, we recommend impregnating and moisturising it with MAVI STEP Creme de Beaute Shoe Cream. Take a small amount of shoe polish with a spreading brush and apply it to the surface of the shoe. Polish the leather shoes with the MAVI STEP Chamoisine Shoe Cloth in slow circular motions.

GBP 11.99

MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe Leather Shoe Polish 25 мл 337 Dark Brown

MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe Leather Shoe Polish 25 мл 337 Dark Brown

The MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe Leather Shoe Polish is individually handcrafted and tailored to meet your specific needs. We take great care in selecting the right option for your item, considering its material, color, and unique requirements. Our meticulous attention to detail ensures that you receive a high-quality product that provides exceptional results. We pride ourselves on being the only company in the world to offer this level of customization. Free of silicone, paraffin, and petroleum products MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe is a luxury professional shoe polish for smooth leather. Made according to old French recipes from 1865, using technologies developed by MAVI STEP. It contains natural beeswax and carnauba wax, vegetable and animal oils and fats, and turpentine. The Features and Benefits of MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe Shoe Polish It cleans genuine leather from impurities. It penetrates deep into the leather, nourishes the material with nutrients, and prolongs its "life". It restores the colour of leather goods. After applying the product, they look like they did at the time of purchase, and often even better. It creates a high and durable mirror gloss on the surface of the shoe. With MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe Shoe Polish, without wasting time and effort, you will create an amazing glacage. It protects footwear from climatic influences. Application material: smooth leather. Storage conditions. Store MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe Shoe Polish out of the reach of children and animals at a temperature of 5 to 40 °C. Shelf life: 10 years (when the lid is tightly closed). How to Use MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe Shoe Polish With a brush, clean the item of dust and dried dirt. If creams or polishes have already been applied to shoes, remove them with MAVI STEP Creme Universelle Leather Balm. After cleaning genuine leather, we recommend impregnating and moisturising it with MAVI STEP Creme de Beaute Shoe Cream. Take a small amount of shoe polish with a spreading brush and apply it to the surface of the shoe. Polish the leather shoes with the MAVI STEP Chamoisine Shoe Cloth in slow circular motions.

GBP 11.99

MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe Leather Shoe Polish 25 мл 322 Bright Chestnut

MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe Leather Shoe Polish 25 мл 322 Bright Chestnut

The MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe Leather Shoe Polish is individually handcrafted and tailored to meet your specific needs. We take great care in selecting the right option for your item, considering its material, color, and unique requirements. Our meticulous attention to detail ensures that you receive a high-quality product that provides exceptional results. We pride ourselves on being the only company in the world to offer this level of customization. Free of silicone, paraffin, and petroleum products MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe is a luxury professional shoe polish for smooth leather. Made according to old French recipes from 1865, using technologies developed by MAVI STEP. It contains natural beeswax and carnauba wax, vegetable and animal oils and fats, and turpentine. The Features and Benefits of MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe Shoe Polish It cleans genuine leather from impurities. It penetrates deep into the leather, nourishes the material with nutrients, and prolongs its "life". It restores the colour of leather goods. After applying the product, they look like they did at the time of purchase, and often even better. It creates a high and durable mirror gloss on the surface of the shoe. With MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe Shoe Polish, without wasting time and effort, you will create an amazing glacage. It protects footwear from climatic influences. Application material: smooth leather. Storage conditions. Store MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe Shoe Polish out of the reach of children and animals at a temperature of 5 to 40 °C. Shelf life: 10 years (when the lid is tightly closed). How to Use MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe Shoe Polish With a brush, clean the item of dust and dried dirt. If creams or polishes have already been applied to shoes, remove them with MAVI STEP Creme Universelle Leather Balm. After cleaning genuine leather, we recommend impregnating and moisturising it with MAVI STEP Creme de Beaute Shoe Cream. Take a small amount of shoe polish with a spreading brush and apply it to the surface of the shoe. Polish the leather shoes with the MAVI STEP Chamoisine Shoe Cloth in slow circular motions.

GBP 11.99

MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe Leather Shoe Polish 25 мл 303 Red Sandy

MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe Leather Shoe Polish 25 мл 303 Red Sandy

The MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe Leather Shoe Polish is individually handcrafted and tailored to meet your specific needs. We take great care in selecting the right option for your item, considering its material, color, and unique requirements. Our meticulous attention to detail ensures that you receive a high-quality product that provides exceptional results. We pride ourselves on being the only company in the world to offer this level of customization. Free of silicone, paraffin, and petroleum products MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe is a luxury professional shoe polish for smooth leather. Made according to old French recipes from 1865, using technologies developed by MAVI STEP. It contains natural beeswax and carnauba wax, vegetable and animal oils and fats, and turpentine. The Features and Benefits of MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe Shoe Polish It cleans genuine leather from impurities. It penetrates deep into the leather, nourishes the material with nutrients, and prolongs its "life". It restores the colour of leather goods. After applying the product, they look like they did at the time of purchase, and often even better. It creates a high and durable mirror gloss on the surface of the shoe. With MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe Shoe Polish, without wasting time and effort, you will create an amazing glacage. It protects footwear from climatic influences. Application material: smooth leather. Storage conditions. Store MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe Shoe Polish out of the reach of children and animals at a temperature of 5 to 40 °C. Shelf life: 10 years (when the lid is tightly closed). How to Use MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe Shoe Polish With a brush, clean the item of dust and dried dirt. If creams or polishes have already been applied to shoes, remove them with MAVI STEP Creme Universelle Leather Balm. After cleaning genuine leather, we recommend impregnating and moisturising it with MAVI STEP Creme de Beaute Shoe Cream. Take a small amount of shoe polish with a spreading brush and apply it to the surface of the shoe. Polish the leather shoes with the MAVI STEP Chamoisine Shoe Cloth in slow circular motions.

GBP 11.99

MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe Leather Shoe Polish 25 мл 345 Bright Midnight

MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe Leather Shoe Polish 25 мл 345 Bright Midnight

The MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe Leather Shoe Polish is individually handcrafted and tailored to meet your specific needs. We take great care in selecting the right option for your item, considering its material, color, and unique requirements. Our meticulous attention to detail ensures that you receive a high-quality product that provides exceptional results. We pride ourselves on being the only company in the world to offer this level of customization. Free of silicone, paraffin, and petroleum products MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe is a luxury professional shoe polish for smooth leather. Made according to old French recipes from 1865, using technologies developed by MAVI STEP. It contains natural beeswax and carnauba wax, vegetable and animal oils and fats, and turpentine. The Features and Benefits of MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe Shoe Polish It cleans genuine leather from impurities. It penetrates deep into the leather, nourishes the material with nutrients, and prolongs its "life". It restores the colour of leather goods. After applying the product, they look like they did at the time of purchase, and often even better. It creates a high and durable mirror gloss on the surface of the shoe. With MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe Shoe Polish, without wasting time and effort, you will create an amazing glacage. It protects footwear from climatic influences. Application material: smooth leather. Storage conditions. Store MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe Shoe Polish out of the reach of children and animals at a temperature of 5 to 40 °C. Shelf life: 10 years (when the lid is tightly closed). How to Use MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe Shoe Polish With a brush, clean the item of dust and dried dirt. If creams or polishes have already been applied to shoes, remove them with MAVI STEP Creme Universelle Leather Balm. After cleaning genuine leather, we recommend impregnating and moisturising it with MAVI STEP Creme de Beaute Shoe Cream. Take a small amount of shoe polish with a spreading brush and apply it to the surface of the shoe. Polish the leather shoes with the MAVI STEP Chamoisine Shoe Cloth in slow circular motions.

GBP 11.99

MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe Leather Shoe Polish 25 мл 331 Red Yellow Brown

MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe Leather Shoe Polish 25 мл 331 Red Yellow Brown

The MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe Leather Shoe Polish is individually handcrafted and tailored to meet your specific needs. We take great care in selecting the right option for your item, considering its material, color, and unique requirements. Our meticulous attention to detail ensures that you receive a high-quality product that provides exceptional results. We pride ourselves on being the only company in the world to offer this level of customization. Free of silicone, paraffin, and petroleum products MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe is a luxury professional shoe polish for smooth leather. Made according to old French recipes from 1865, using technologies developed by MAVI STEP. It contains natural beeswax and carnauba wax, vegetable and animal oils and fats, and turpentine. The Features and Benefits of MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe Shoe Polish It cleans genuine leather from impurities. It penetrates deep into the leather, nourishes the material with nutrients, and prolongs its "life". It restores the colour of leather goods. After applying the product, they look like they did at the time of purchase, and often even better. It creates a high and durable mirror gloss on the surface of the shoe. With MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe Shoe Polish, without wasting time and effort, you will create an amazing glacage. It protects footwear from climatic influences. Application material: smooth leather. Storage conditions. Store MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe Shoe Polish out of the reach of children and animals at a temperature of 5 to 40 °C. Shelf life: 10 years (when the lid is tightly closed). How to Use MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe Shoe Polish With a brush, clean the item of dust and dried dirt. If creams or polishes have already been applied to shoes, remove them with MAVI STEP Creme Universelle Leather Balm. After cleaning genuine leather, we recommend impregnating and moisturising it with MAVI STEP Creme de Beaute Shoe Cream. Take a small amount of shoe polish with a spreading brush and apply it to the surface of the shoe. Polish the leather shoes with the MAVI STEP Chamoisine Shoe Cloth in slow circular motions.

GBP 11.99

MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe Leather Shoe Polish 25 мл 346 Deep Red Brown

MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe Leather Shoe Polish 25 мл 346 Deep Red Brown

The MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe Leather Shoe Polish is individually handcrafted and tailored to meet your specific needs. We take great care in selecting the right option for your item, considering its material, color, and unique requirements. Our meticulous attention to detail ensures that you receive a high-quality product that provides exceptional results. We pride ourselves on being the only company in the world to offer this level of customization. Free of silicone, paraffin, and petroleum products MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe is a luxury professional shoe polish for smooth leather. Made according to old French recipes from 1865, using technologies developed by MAVI STEP. It contains natural beeswax and carnauba wax, vegetable and animal oils and fats, and turpentine. The Features and Benefits of MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe Shoe Polish It cleans genuine leather from impurities. It penetrates deep into the leather, nourishes the material with nutrients, and prolongs its "life". It restores the colour of leather goods. After applying the product, they look like they did at the time of purchase, and often even better. It creates a high and durable mirror gloss on the surface of the shoe. With MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe Shoe Polish, without wasting time and effort, you will create an amazing glacage. It protects footwear from climatic influences. Application material: smooth leather. Storage conditions. Store MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe Shoe Polish out of the reach of children and animals at a temperature of 5 to 40 °C. Shelf life: 10 years (when the lid is tightly closed). How to Use MAVI STEP Cirage de Luxe Shoe Polish With a brush, clean the item of dust and dried dirt. If creams or polishes have already been applied to shoes, remove them with MAVI STEP Creme Universelle Leather Balm. After cleaning genuine leather, we recommend impregnating and moisturising it with MAVI STEP Creme de Beaute Shoe Cream. Take a small amount of shoe polish with a spreading brush and apply it to the surface of the shoe. Polish the leather shoes with the MAVI STEP Chamoisine Shoe Cloth in slow circular motions.

GBP 11.99