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White Haven Mysteries Steam CD Key

Deep Black: Reloaded Steam CD Key

Dead By Murder Steam CD Key

Deep Black: Reloaded Europe Steam CD Key

Dragon Throne: Battle of Red Cliffs Steam CD Key

Submarine Titans Steam CD Key

Tank Warfare: Chewy Gooey Pass Steam CD Key

Alimardan Meets Merlin Steam CD Key

Alimardan Meets Merlin Steam CD Key

After the first version of “Ali Mardan’s Mischief” ends with a happy ending with the marriage of Khan Daei, the second version the story is resumed from the Khan Daei’s honeymoon where he and his wife are on a carriage along with Ali Mardan and other family members. Then, we see the carriage entering the “Pashmak Abad” Space Station when we realize that Khan Daei plans to go to the moon for his honeymoon!!! Ali Mardan begins his usual naughty behavior, leading to his fall from the spaceship into a black hole where, based on some unknown scientific equations he finds himself in the Middle Ages. There, he realizes that Merlin, the great wizard of Britain, has gone to fight the wicked Morgana, without leaving any trace. In her absence, the Wizard of Oz deals with the city affairs. However, Ali Mardan lands just on the courier’s head, steals the letter of credit and passes himself as the Wizard Baby of Oz! Thus, in an intriguing adventure, Ali Mardan seeks to solve the mystery of the missing Merlin, the curse of the wicked Morgana, and of course bringing Excalibur to King Arthur…Features :A cheerful, engaging story full of unpredictable eventsMore than 12 mini games and tens of environmental puzzlesCheerful, attractive 2D graphics in different settings, more than 20 locations from the spaceship to the Great King Arthur Pendragon’s court, and of course the house of Merlin, the Wizard13 lovely and popular comic characters, e.g. Merlin, King Arthur, Morgana, and vizierAttractive mid-stories such as the café custodian’s proposal to the town square girl, playing morabaraba with the Jumbled Jack, and even drawing 3*4 personal pictures to get the King’s permission.Presenting the main character in three different fashions: a regular little boy, the wizard baby of Oz, and of course the princess!More than 15 minutes of 2D animation20 minutes of exclusive musicMore than 5 hours of gameplay

CZK 26.02

Zombie Pirates Steam CD Key

Hippocampal: The White Sofa Steam CD Key

The Ironclads Collection Steam CD Key

The Ironclads Collection Steam CD Key

Includes:Ironclads: American Civil WarIronclads: High SeasIronclads: Schleswig War 1864Ironclads: Anglo Russian War 1866Ironclads: Chincha Islands War 1866Ironclads: American Civil WarBattle of the civil war ironclads. Take part in battles from USS Monitor vs CSS Virginia before battles between armored squadrons of steamships and other vessels.The flow of time is organized into rounds. Within the limits of each round, the player and the computer opponent take turns executing all actions possible within five minutes of real time combat for each of their ships. At the moment when the selected active ship is carrying out an action, all other game units are motionless. Time for decision-making is not limited.Game locations are presented in real 1:1 scale and are not divided into cells or hexagons. The trajectory of movement of the active ship is determined by laws of physics and calculated using realistic speed, size and shape of a unit.The campaign based on alternate outcomes of events which assume a more favourable position for the Confederation in the first two years of the conflict, including diplomatic recognition and construction of a stronger, more balanced Southern fleet in European shipyards.USA and CSA campaigns: 14 missions, 80 hours of game time, 54 unique ships. USS Monitor, CSS Virginia, USS New Ironsides and others Civil War ironclads 3d models.Ironclads: High SeasFor over a year the forces of the United States of America (Northern States) and the Confederates States of America (Southern States) have fought a bitter war. In 1862 the governments of Great Britain, France and Spain recognize the Southern States to secure raw materials. The Souths economy becomes dependent on trade with Europe. The Northern Government imposes a complete blockade of shipping to the South. The Confederate Government buys warships from the European powers, to protect its trade. This sets the stage for a naval conflict for control of the Confederates trade routes. Choose a side, build a fleet and destroy the enemy.Ironclads: Schleswig War 1864The Danish government wanted to annex the duchy of Schleswig to the Danish kingdom while the Prussian government, for internal political and strategic reasons, wanted Schleswig to finally became a part of Germany.A key element of Denmark's war strategy was the blockade of Germany's Baltic sea ports, thereby disrupting German overseas trade and hindering Prussian naval operations in support the Prussian army. The supreme commander of the Prussian army insisted that the navy attempt to breach the blockade.Ironclads: Anglo Russian War 1866Russia sought to seize control of Constantinople. The city controlled the Black Sea straits, an important economic and strategic point of the Black and Mediterranean Sea. This area was the cause of constant conflict with Britain, which was concerned about her Mediterranean interests. The Crimean War had weakened the position of Russia on the Black Sea, but, in the Baltic and North Sea, the Tsar built a new, modern fleet. In 1865, Poland rebelled against Russia. Britain supported the rebels and declared war on Russia. Two objectives of the Royal Navy were to destroy the Russian squadron in the North Sea and the establishment of a full blockade of the North.Ironclads: Chincha Islands War 1866Spain tried to restore by force its influence on its former colonies, Chile and Peru. This strong Spanish squadron occupied the Chincha Islands, very important to the economy of Peru. Peru received support from neighboring Chile, Ecuador and Bolivia. After several battles, the heavily damaged Spanish squadron was forced to withdraw to the Philippines for repairs. In 1866, Peru strengthened its fleet and sent ships to the Philippines in order to inflict retaliation on Spain. The Spaniards decided to use a weakening of the allies to send a new fleet to South America. The opposing forces gathered strength for the decisive battle of the Chincha Islands.

CZK 55.92

Real Horror Stories Ultimate Edition Steam CD Key

Wings Over Europe Steam CD Key

Ankh 2: Heart of Osiris Steam CD Key

Anmynor Puzzles Steam CD Key

Exodus from the Earth Steam CD Key

Exodus from the Earth Steam CD Key

Exodus z Ziemia is a strictly PC FPS game developed by Russian developers from Parallax Arts Studio. There is no security to effectively safeguard us to prevent the loss of security when civilization is lost. The Earth ceases to be a place to live in a constantly rising temperature, attention is mute to the sun into a red giant. The awareness of annihilation motivates people to start illegally, going to result in a distant and unexplored colonm to a planet. The earthly government sending an agent by name, the last secret is the last act, the charge and the corporation leading the research of this mineral mine about A.X.The three-dimensional visuals in Exodus from the Earth are generated by the Riposte engine. Virtual reality includes two parallel worlds in which the action takes place - the Earth from the future and the aforementioned planet, inhabited by creatures alien to man. Of course, our main task is to move to the next stages of the game by making your way through brute force. During the game, fire is directed at earth security agents, robots, mutants, cyborgs etc. You have to deal with simple logic problems occasionally. The game is complemented by a highly interactive environment with realistic laws of physics.Key featuresExplore and battle through various locations on two planets, each with multiple objectivesEpic environments with cinematic special effectsInnovative physics engine that reflects the real worldVariety of interactive and destructible objectsSupernatural storyline and unpredictable gun-toting gameplayDiverse selection of weaponry, each with its own unique features and melee attack optionsSmart and challenging AI which reflect real life behaviorsMultiple modes of transportation at the player's and enemy's disposalInternet and LAN multiplayer with up to 10 players

CZK 27.07

The Way Of Love: Sub Zero Steam CD Key

Unlimited Escape 2 Steam CD Key

Unlimited Escape 2 Steam CD Key

'Unlimited escape 2' is an action / strategy game with unpredictable dynamics.The adventure of our hero continues beyond the legend, with new scenarios and dangers!The protagonist of the game will walk and explore endless mazes procedurally generated and will have a single mission: to save the prisoners scattered in the path leading them to the point of rescue.The main character must also defend these prisoners from the enemies that appear in every part of the playing field. The main feature of the game is the complete procedural generation of scenarios and lighting, which allows an unlimited variety of play. With the advance of the levels, the game scenarios are becoming larger and intricate, with ever greater dangers. The number of game levels is unlimited, and the game stores statistics and many score rankings to increase the charm and challenge.The aim of the game is to save a number of prisoners in the maze of each level, and to do this you have to group them and bring them to a save point placed randomly within the maze. In the path appear enemies that chase you and kill the prisoners who need to save. When you will shoot the enemies you have to be careful not to kill the prisoners to save. The groups of prisoners are scattered randomly in the path of each level, and to find them you'll have to explore the maze by seeking help from the map on the top screen. Enemy bases are scattered randomly in the path, and these bases are colored red. The save point instead is colored blue.Each level is a maze that is always different, unpredictable and randomly generated, as well as lights and lighting used in the level. In this way the game dynamics are always new. The number of levels is infinite, as well as the score that can be achieved. Are stored up to 100 high scores and statistics, so we challenge everyone to become legends and heroes! With the advance of the levels, the game gets bigger, richer and difficult. The number of enemy bases increase with advancing levels, as the number of prisoners to be saved.

CZK 14.29

Battletank LOBA Steam CD Key

Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 Steam CD Key

Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 Steam CD Key

Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 - tactical battalion level combat simulation. Continuation of Graviteam Tactics series on the Western Front.Game is comprised of two modes:Operational - turn-based mode where you can shift and concentrate forces in the chosen directions, resupply and replace units, repair and refuel vehicles.Tactical - real-time mode where you are conducting fire combat with the enemy, capturing territory, wrecking vehicles and the enemy manpower.Large-scale operations for the US Army and Wehrmacht with realistic organizational structure. The campaign features more than 50 detailed vehicles produced in Germany, USA and UK. Over 400 sq. km of realistic landscapes were reconstructed from topographical maps and photo and video materials.Features:Enhanced UI: functional interface of various panels, radial orders menu and other enhancements.Interface appearance and customization: three variants of appearance are included, customizable unit markers (Wehrmacht, NATO, Red Army).High replayability and advanced AI, which selects the best strategy based on behavior, not a predetermined script.Advanced management of forces in the operational phase: reinforcement strategies and management of reserves.Statistics keeping: performance of each unit is recorded (kills, losses, awards, etc.). After each battle, damages and condition of forces and vehicles, as well as telemetry are shown in the after battle statistics.Battlefield simulation: realistic vision devices, smoke screens and flares, creation of trenches, explosion craters. Remnants of previous battles remain on the battlefield until the end of operation.Realistic soldier behavior: each soldier has several essential parameters, such as experience level, stamina and morale, which influence their behavior and effectiveness.Detailed weapon modeling and realistic ballistics: bullets and projectiles follow ballistic trajectories, taking wind, temperature and other parameters into account.Advanced armor penetration: modeling based on ballistic histograms without simplifications of probabilistic methods, generation of secondary fragmentation fields takes into account many parameters, such as the change of the field shape in space, fragments and armor characteristics, armor thickness and damage conditions.Complex vehicle damage system: engine, suspension, sights, weapons and targeting mechanisms can be damaged separately, affecting the combat abilities.Destructible environment: almost everything can be blown up and destroyed, from landscape surface and buildings to vehicles and enemy defensive installations.Advanced control of the off-map artillery, featuring diverse fuse settings and shell types.Formation and movement modes: lines and columns, movement by road and covertly, infantry following behind tanks, setting a delay, fire sectors, etc.Automatic smoke screen laying: units set up smoke screens when enemy is spotted.Vibrant change of the time of day, light sources and weather effects, influence the course of battle, visibility and area passability.

CZK 90.65

FlatOut 2 Steam CD Key

FlatOut 2 Steam CD Key

FlatOut 2 is a continuation of the brutal racing game by Bugbear Entertainment, combining elements of classic car competition with the possibility of unlimited destruction - both from rivals and the environment. Gameplay As you might have guessed, the authors met the expectations of players and focused on greater exposure of the "destructive" element. So, buying a FlatOut 2 we get a truly devastating car racing, in which just reaching the finish line in one piece is quite a success. The graphics engine has been improved, as well as all mechanisms responsible for physical interactions, thanks to which numerous crashes look even more spectacular than in the first one. Falling off doors, fenders and other body parts, cracking windows, shattered bumpers, smoking engines or falling off wheels are a constant part of every race. In addition, hundreds of interactive objects and obstacles as well as various breakneck shortcuts that diversify and strengthen the ubiquitous mayhem have been placed on the routes. In total, there are 16 car models in the game. They are fully modifiable and anyone can upgrade and embellish them as they wish. A maximum of eight drivers take part in one race, which is the limit of the number of people that can struggle simultaneously in multiplayer mode (LAN / Internet). In the case of a single player game, the remaining seven opponents are dealt with by computer artificial intelligence, which also has many improvements compared to the original FlatOut. Each driver has his own individual driving style, predispositions and attitude towards opponents. Key features Thousands and thousands of objects to annihilate. Mini games gone wild - hurl the driver in these 12 crazy challenges. Wreck your way across parched deserts, massive storm drains and narrow city streets. Ram your opponents' car and watch them fly through the air - you're here to win!a

CZK 53.11

Complete Naval Combat Pack Steam CD Key

Complete Naval Combat Pack Steam CD Key

Includes 4 items: 688(I) HUNTER-KILLER, FLEET COMMAND, SUB COMMAND688(I) HUNTER-KILLER688(I) Hunter/Killer, the most realistic submarine simulation ever developed for PC. Master the sonar and weapons control systems, learn to develop real target situations and outfit your boat with the latest advanced weaponry. Then use your skills to complete the tour of duty and earn your dolphins to become a true submariner.A truly authentic simulation: Developed by Sonalysts, a defense contractor who designs submarine simulators for the US NavyOver 12 detailed operating stations: Control all aspects of submarine warfare, including the sonar suite, fire control, helm and target motion analysisReal-World Terrain: Ocean depth and water density for the entire globe are based on actual satellite topographical dataReal-life situations: Conduct detailed training and single missions, plus a full campaign based on political analysis from real world situationsMultiplayer Warfare: Seek and Destroy up to 8 players over the internet or LANFull 3D Technology: Full 3D technology allows for multiple camera views and accurate 3D models of over 20 different naval weapons platformsComplete Control: Manage all of the resources of your submarine, including crewmen training and weapons load-outsDANGEROUS WATERSS.C.S. - Dangerous Waters allows you total control over multiple air, surface, and submarine platforms in a modern-day naval environment. Take direct control of individual crew stations and also plan and execute combined arms naval strategies from a top-down 'Commanders Eye' perspective.FLEET COMMANDInternational waterways become theaters of war when the world's most formidable maritime powers exchange their fatal blows. With entire fleets at your command, you must strategically deploy vessels from every class - frigate to aircraft to nuclear submarine - to maintain the precarious balance of naval power and gain position for the deadly endgame.Campaigns and mission scenarios straight from current headlinesExclusive real-time strategy with cuttingedge, real-world weaponsIntuitive point and click game playNo need to memorize symbols or complex commandsPlayer designed task forcesComplete 3D environment rotates and zooms for intense combat actionEffects modeled in stunning detail- time of day, clouds, rain, differing sea states, ship's wake and pyrotechnicsSUB COMMANDTake charge of the most deadly modern-day submarines in the world - three distinct submarines across two unique and challenging campaigns. Utilize cutting-edge sensor and weapon technology to locate, track and destroy the enemy - even deliver Tomahawk missiles to inland targets. Whether transiting, diving, or surfacing you control the smartest, stealthiest and most feared subs on the water today!Three submarines to command - Seawolf, 688(I) and Akula. Each contains authentic naval systems including Sonar, Radar and Target Motion Analysis.Test your skills while firing Tomahawk missiles, rescuing crippled subs, rising through the polar ice cap to communicate information and much more.Easy to use game interface - With straightforward controls and automated crewmen, controlling a submarine has never been easier.Enhanced sound and 3D graphics engine - 3D Objects (over 250), from Russian trawlers to France's Mirage fighters - plus exacting sound modes pull you in like never before. You won't just hear the torpedos, you will feel them.

CZK 131.76