Lakuda Coast px300 hand torch white light + uv light 150lumens - Taschenlampen und Scheinwerfer - 100027833
COAST PX300 Hand light 150 lumens white light + UV Light - In Coast Blister Pack PX300 is the perfect companion for hunting amber! Namely, the PX300 lamp incorporates both white and ultraviolet UV light without compromising its size. The ultraviolet UV light has a length of up to 7.5 meters, which gives a good overview of the hunt for amber. The PX300 also has a powerful LED that gives a total of 150 lumens and lights up to 16 meters. Users can use the UV light to detect scorpions, find amber, car leaks, inspect leaking brake fluid and body fluid with a single, high-power LED. The light can also be used to detect counterfeits that do not contain the elements visible when exposed to UV light. The PX300 provides premium UV detection in a lightweight and compact size. The PX300 flashlight is impact resistant, weather resistant and its LED is almost unbreakable. Metal construction, strong O-rings give the lamp durability. Benefits of Ultraviolet Light: Fluorescent Dye DetectionForge Detect